park circle,
north charleston,
south carolina
united states
cars & bike check-in and park IS saturday, november 9th from 8am to 10:30aM WE WILL NOT START ALLOWING CARs TO PARK UNTIL 8AMTHE CAr & bike show is 11:00AM to 6pm.
For the rockabillaque Charleston show the car and bike show entrance is at 4827 Virginia Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405 at Virgina - check in is on Empire Ave see map herE AND BELOW
trailer parking in the parking lot across from registration at Empire Ave and Virginia Ave
There are no refunds for the Car & Bike Show Registration.
full schedule, festival map, music line-up coming this summer. Registration and check location will be sent in a follow-up email in October.
car & bike show entRANCE AND A SPOT IN SHOw
YOUR vehicle participation in category judging
for 1st place & 2nd place winners
complete your car & bike registration for either the charleston or florida shows on our form below. after you submit the form BELOW you will be redirected to the payment page
please note: The Rockabillaque Florida Car & Bike Show new hours will be 11am to 4pm. Car & Bike SHow is $25 per vehicle in advance and $30 day of show.